I’m not smart enough to catch all the splendid palindromes. (Do you own Taco Cat? The game? You should. It has some evil olives in it, among other joys.)

There are so many resonating lines in these stories. I can’t name all of them either. What joy it is to be HOME! What a challenge to have two under two! Supernatural supermama strength indeed! Dance parties, and husbands who stand aloof, watching. Pets who are sensitive to the unseen hurt. (Mine is a cat though, sleeping on my chest now. Instead of comforting me, he tends to runaway when I’m already sad. Ha. If that ain’t a cat for you.)

All I can say is, I’m so honored to listen. To witness. And I just want to hear more more more of this pain and tenderness you tell. And your absolute, contagious love for your precious boy, and dancing girl too. (And spy dog.)

Wishing you well in these mountaintop days, that they may gird you well for the next downhill trail.

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You are so lovely, Christianna!! Thanks for reading and being a sweet, encouraging new friend. Yes we own Taco Cat!! Good job on the evil olive ;).

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Reading over again, I’m nodding my head, also, with: learning to literally breathe; Bluey merch and silliness; stories that we know backward and forward (what a beautiful prompt!). You are not alone, not alone, not alone. (Which makes me think of Kate Bowler’s beautiful blessing, “For the Life You Didn’t Choose.” Brings me to tears! https://katebowler.com/blessings/a-blessing-for-the-lives-we-didnt-choose/

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You are not alone, either! Praying for you today. Gotta listen to the song!

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